Frankfurters to cheese and to the bacon


Frankfurters to cheese and to the bacon

Note recipe: 4/5

For 6 people
Cost of the receipt:
Level of difficulty:
Make-ready time: 30 min
Time of cooking: 15 min
Rest period:


* frankfurter: 6
* Gruyere: 6 sticks
* bacon: 6 sections
* corn oil: 1 C. with soup
* garlic: 2 pods
* onion: 1
* crushed tomato: 1 box
* small pepper: 1
* basil: 1 C. with coffee
* vegetable stock: 1 C. with coffee
* cooked noodles: 500 G


Cut sausages to the ¾ in the direction length and deposit a cheese stick there.

Roll up each sausage in a section of bacon and make hold the whole with a spade out of wooden.

In an anti-adhesive frying pan, make heat oil and make cook sausages until the bacon is roasted.

Withdraw sausages and reserve them with the heat.

Peel and émincez onion.

Peel and chop the cloves of garlic.

Throw the fat which remains in the frying pan, add garlic and onion and make gild a few minutes.

Incorporate tomatos, pepper, the basil, the vegetable stock and make cook with average fire during 10 min.

Deposit noodles cooked on a dish of hot service.

Sauce Nappez and deposit sausages. Be useful at once.

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