Sandwich crown in meat


Sandwich crown in meat
Note the recipe: 5/5

Serves 4
Cost of revenue:
Level of difficulty:
Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Time off:


* Bun round crown: 4
* Cold roast beef: 4 slices
* Lettuce: 8 sheets
* Worcestershire sauce: 1 c. Coffee
* Mustard: 1 C. Coffee
* Mayonnaise: 1 C. Soup
* Ketchup: 1 C. Soup
* Tabasco: 2 drops
* Small white onions: 1 jar
* Salt and pepper


In a bowl, mix mayonnaise, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce, spice with a few drops of tabasco depending on your taste.

Preheat the oven broiler position.

Tear lettuce into small pieces, drain and chop small onions.

Cut 2 small loaves in the direction of thickness, grill under the grill of the four sides with the crumb.

On 4 plates of service, have lower parts of the loaves, the party tartinez grilled with a little mustard. Garnish with lettuce, salt and pepper. Assaisonnezr with 1 C. Coffee sauce then remove 1 slice of meat. Add a second spoon sauce before distributing the onions. Spread the party hats toasted before they are put.

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