The Tandoori chicken


The Tandoori chicken
The Tandoori chicken was Punjabi cooking that his existence could be investigated till the Mughal Sultanate time in South Asia. This food was still becoming food popular in this area but also in Asian.

Chicken for this cooking firstly was soaked thick batter of acid milk that was seasoned with salt masala - the garlic, ginger, the chilli and Indian pepper sorts depended on the feeling recipe that was wanted. Usually this cooking is served hot, but afterwards was made to be not hot in accordance with countries's West taste. Red pepper, the chilli powder and other spices gave the red colour to chicken. Kunir (turmeric) gave the colour oranye yellowish. In line with the modernisation, this red and yellow colour was results of food dye.

The Tandoori chicken was traditionally cooked in the underground oven (that was mentioned tandoor in India) with the high temperature. But, once more because of the progress of the time, this cooking could be prepared only by using the roasted implement normally.


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