Grilled Ikan Tude with Dabu-Dabu

Category: Barbecue & Grilling

Ikan Tude is what the Manadonese called for Ikan Kembung while in English it's called as Indian Mackerel. This recipe and calamansi's information are my entry for WHB (Weekend Herb Blogging) # 112, hosted by Simona of Briciole. Calamansi is widely used in culinary of Manadonese as well as Filipino's. In Winnpeg, you can find fresh calamansi at Young market on Mc. Phillips.

Thank you to mbak Rieke of Sexy Chef for the recipe. A different style of grilled ikan tude that I made, just inserted sliced shallot in the fish. I found the different between using calamansi and lime for marinating fish. No fishy smell after marinating and cooking the fish with calamansi.

375 g Indian mackerel (Manadonese: Ikan Tude; Indonesian: Ikan Kembung)
1 shallots, finely sliced
1 tbsp fresh calamansi (Indonesian: jeruk kesturi, jeruk kasturi, lemon cui, lemon cina)
salt as desired

Sambal Dabu-Dabu (Dabu-Dabu Sambal)
6 shallots, finely sliced
6 bird's eye chillies, finely sliced
100 g tomato, diced
2 fresh calamansis (Indonesian: jeruk kesturi, jeruk kasturi, lemon cui, lemon cina), squeezed
sugar and salt as desired to season

Grilled Ikan Tude
Preheat a grill pan.

Clean fish by cleaning out the stomach cavity, removing the gills and surrounding tissue, then clean well with tap water.

Cut several deep cuts on both sides of fish. Rub fish inside and over with salt and calamansi juice. Insert finely sliced shallots into deep cuts. Let stand for 15 minutes.

Grill fish until the skin lightly golden brown.

Sambal Dabu-Dabu (Dabu-Dabu Sambal)
Combine all ingredients for sambal.

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